Kenji Minami

Traveling like a Zen Monk from Japan to Berlin to…

Exploring silence through sound,

tuning into the frequency of the present moment,

awakening silence. 


Berlin-based Japanese artist, Kenji Minami, redefines the boundaries of musical expression as an experimental improvisation drummer. His drumming avoids regular rhythm and standard patterns to combine vibrations that resonate with our mind and body. 

With the power of Zen drumming, he delves into the realms of vibration energy and sound, crafting an extraordinary symphony that resonates with the depths of our minds and cells in the body. Further, it makes us aware of the universe that exists in cells.  He unveils the concealed silence that exists in the present moment. The sound seeks to open senses between inner and outer dimensions, awakening an awareness of the beauty in silence between sounds. Zen drumming - a form of expression that can both relax and energise.


Additionally, he is searching for a new form of drum performance by collaborating with artists, dancers, and musicians. Much like a Zen monk on an odyssey, Kenji Minami performs and traverses the world, preparing to enter the audience with his euphonic visions. As his Zen drumming unfurls a tapestry of sound that transcends the ordinary and touches the soul, you will surely be captivated by Minami's artistic, he is searching for a new form of drum performance by collaborating with artists, dancers, and musicians. Much like a Zen monk on an odyssey, Kenji Minami performs and traverses the world, preparing to enter the audience with his euphonic visions. As his Zen drumming unfurls a tapestry of sound that transcends the ordinary and touches the soul, you will surely be captivated by Minami's artistic journey.


2015 Dedication performance at Kumano Sansho Shrine, Wakayama with an improvisational drum solo

Dedication performance at Toukei Shrine, 

Wakayama with improvisational dance & drum.

Dedication performance at Nichi Shrine in Wakayama with an improvisational drum solo.

2016 Produce of dedication performance at Noh stage of Tenkawa Shrine Collaboration with Sho, Gamelan, Drum and Candle art.

2019 Drive from Japan to Berlin with a drumset by car.

Solo exhibition Sumi Art and Zen drumming performance at Tete in Berlin.

Recording of “Hommage a Ono no Komachi”collaborated with Joanna Przybyla at rbb studio, Berlin.

Improvisational solo performance at the opening of the art event at Artloft, Berlin.Performance with synthesizer player, Ole Ejnar Brolin at Artloft.

2020-2021 Solo performance at Shirahama Key Terrace Hotel Seamore, Japan.

2022 Solo performance at Art-loft in Berlin.Performance with Hammered Dulcimer by Ayane Kondo at  Japan Deutsch Zentrum Berlin.

2023 Improvisational performance with Hammered Dulcimer by Ayane Kondo at Arata Ramen Berlin

Improvisational performance with the artist KONGO ASTRONAUTS at Médeiatheque Merignac, France

2024 Private Improvisational meditation performance in Bordeaux, France

Meditating and drum session at BeHappy Lodge in Portugal


Solo performance 2h at MaHalla Berlin